Natalee Holloway Investigation: Deepak Kalpoe’s 5-31-05 Witness Statement


The following is the first statement that Deepak Kalpoe gave to the police as Aruba deepaka “witness”. Interesting that in Deepak’s witness statement he states that Joran Van der Sloot told him that Natalee Holloway was drunk. Why would this even be a topic of conversation?

“Joran told me that the girl according to him was drunk.”

Would this be to single her out as the easy mark to separate from the crowd? Why do three guys go to a bar 1/2 hour before closing except to find the easiest mark. Below is an accounting of the ever changing story as to whether Joran considered Natalee Holloway drunk.

Deepak Kalpoe 5/31/05 Witness Statement

DK 5-31-05 T1

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DK 5-31-05 T2

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DK 5-31-05 T3

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DK 5-31-05 T4

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DK 5-31-05 T5

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DK 5-31-05 T6

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Dutch doc 1     Dutch doc 2     Dutch doc 3      Dutch doc 4

Dutch doc 5     Dutch doc 6


How many times has Joran van der Sloot changes his answers as to if Natalee Holloway was drunk or not? Could Natalee Holloway ever have been capable of making a proper decision? According to Deepak’s statement Joran Van der Sloot thought Natalee was drunk prior to any 151 rum shot that Joran later states he bought her.

Deepak’s 5–31–05 Witness statement: “Joran told me that the girl according to him was drunk.”

Reporter: If you were asked to describe Natalee Holloway, what kind of a girl is she ? 

Joran van der Sloot: Well eh.. I haven’t known her for very long. I met her the same day, she asked me to go out with her , and I did, when I arrived she had been drinking, she was a little drunk, but she wasn’t someone that I would like to have a relation with, she wasn’t really nice or supersweet, let me put it that way. 

Primetime Live ABC – February 23, 2005

Interviewer:  When you say you got drinks for Natalee, were you trying to get Natalee drunk?

Joran van der Sloot:  No, not at all. I wasn’t planning to get her drunk at all.

Interviewer:  Did you see her as a drunk and vulnerable Natalee that you could get over on?

Joran van der Sloot:  No, I saw her as someone that was trying to have fun. She had a lot of drinks.

Interviewer:  Are you drunk?

Joran van der Sloot:  No.

Current Affair – September 26, 2005

Reporter: What did she tell you? That you can remember. 

Joran van der Sloot: She told me a lot of things. One thing she told me was that her mother was Hitler’s sister’s daughter. I don’t know what she was talking, a lot of strange things. She told me she wanted to go to the light house and see sharks, which we never went to. But, I don’t know, she talked a lot of things. Obviously, she was drunk. I had stuff to drink too. Now, I don’t respect that the Aruban authority tried to pin that it was a rape case. She wanted to go with me. I wanted to go with her. It was totally consensual. I had something to drink. She had something to drink. And, I just don’t think it is fair that people…that they even held me three months, because, the fact is, that in the United States they would not even…  they never would’ve even been allowed to arrest me. The Dutch system works in the way that, if…you can be arrested on suspicion. (Motorcycle noise) In the United States, you need hard evidence. There is not one evidence in this case that shows something bad happened. I have never touched a girl in an aggressive way in my life. There is not one girl that went forward and said otherwise. And, I only have good declarations in my name, so. 

Greta/Joran Interview - March 1,2,3 2006

Interviewer:  Is there a way to describe her, I mean, and whether she seemed or appeared to be, you know, drinking? Did she seem to be drunk? 

Joran van der Sloot:  Oh… she’d been drinking, but she wasn’t drunk. I mean, she knew what she was doing. And you know, all the people there were drinking, as well. I mean, that’s just… that’s normal when you go out and have a drink with your friends. 

If you liked this post, you may also like these:

  • Aruban Suspect/Witness Statements (Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak & Satish Kalpoe, etc) – Natalee Holloway Investion
  • Natalee Holloway Investigation: Paulus Van der Sloot June 23, 2005 Statement
  • Amigoe: Deepak does not get his car back (in Natalee Holloway reenactment)
  • Aruba: Natalee Holloway: Deepak & Satish Kalpoe Suing Dr Phil for Defamation … Doesn’t One Have to First have Character?
  • Diario: Leaked report shows that Joran declared that Deepak Kalpoe raped and killed Natalee Holloway

  • Comments

    6 Responses to “Natalee Holloway Investigation: Deepak Kalpoe’s 5-31-05 Witness Statement”

    1. Scared Monkeys on October 21st, 2006 1:27 pm

      [...] Isn’t this the perfect answer from a trained lawyer. PVDS states he cannot remember on what day (June 1, 2005) he spoke with the suspects, yet in the same breath he says he talked with them from the “moment they were interviewed as witnesses”. The very first witness statements taken from Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe were on May 31, 2005. So Paulus Van der Sloot admits talking to the three boys from the outset. Also, it was admitted by Joran Van der Sloot to Deepak Kalpoe during the conversation in the back of the squad car.   [...]

    2. Patti on October 25th, 2006 11:48 pm

      This is the man that had sex with your daughter. He is
      a nice boy… he’s just very young and stupid. The things
      that they did were wrong, but as far as he knows; your
      daughter was alive last time he saw her. And that’s the

      I have not read the transcrpts but, is that his story????

    3. Patti on October 26th, 2006 12:07 am

      Yes and they are all liars. They have different things
      to hide for different reasons.

      I believe that Deepak Kalpoe made out with your daughter.

      I believe that Natalee was drunk. Who doesn’t look up
      at the dance floor at 1:45 and not notice who’s drunk?!?!
      To me that is no big deal.

      I do not believe that when they were in the bar, killing
      Natalee was on their minds. I believe that in a way, it
      was an accident, in the eyes of the brothers.

      But they don’t truly know… they weren’t there when Natalee
      died. It’s just that they all feel guilty… and because of their conscience, they are easily manipulated. They both
      fear for DNA tests.

      Van der Sloot, or what ever his name is, the one to blame.
      He went back after the other two were playing around with
      Natalee and did her wrong. The other two, don’t know that
      for sure; because they had left Natalee passed out.

      This thing that was said in the car, was it somewhat blaming to them ie, would a person that is not sure of his own innocence think those words threatening ????!?!?!?!?

      Have they seen each other, since then ???????!?!?!??!

    4. Patti on October 26th, 2006 12:53 am

      Yes and they are all liars. They have different things
      to hide for different reasons.

      I believe that Deepak Kalpoe made out with your daughter.

      I believe that Natalee was drunk. Who doesn’t look up
      at the dance floor at 1:45 and not notice who’s drunk?!?!
      To me that is no big deal.

      I do not believe that when they were in the bar, killing
      Natalee was on their minds. I believe that in a way, it
      was an accident, in the eyes of the brothers.

      But they don’t truly know… they weren’t there when Natalee
      died. It’s just that they all feel guilty… and because of their conscience, they are easily manipulated. They both
      fear for DNA tests.

      Van der Sloot, or what ever his name is, the one to blame.
      He went back after the other two were playing around with
      Natalee and did her wrong. The other two, don’t know that
      for sure; because they had left Natalee passed out.

      This thing that was said in the car, was it somewhat blaming to them ie, would a person that is not sure of his own innocence think those words threatening ????!?!?!?!?

      Have they seen each other, since then ???????!?!?!??!

      I’m sure they have. The two brothers are up to their eye-
      balls in this mess. They have had quite enough of it, but
      they do not dare bite the hand that feeds them, for they
      feel that they may be found guilty, too. That is why it is
      easy for the Van der Sloots to manipulate them.

      The Sloots know, very well, who killed Natalee; they just
      don’t want to give up their son. I’m not sure the logic,
      as surely he will do it again; but they are stupid. They
      simply do not want to believe it. Some one needs to go
      wake them up!!!!!!!

      Anyway, this Sloot boy; is a racist. He does not think,
      deep down inside that a girl should be with a black. He
      is friends with the brothers, only because no one else
      has had the patience.

      He is the type of guy that when you go out drinking, he
      talks loud, acts rude and ALWAYS makes an ass of himself.
      But he has the money and sometimes he can hang out with
      the best. The two brothers are quite popular with the
      girls. There are a lot of girls that really care for them.

      They are not murderers. They are players. Young, stupid
      and scared; really scared, players.

      Today, to call someone a player means that they’re fine, cute and real ladies men. They would not murder your daughter as they could have just about any girl they want. They might do something really stupid, but they are not the murdering type. Perhaps they took advantage of a girl that
      had too much to drink, but your daughter never had fear of
      either of these boys. They did nothing to harm your daughter.

      The drugs, if there were any, did not come from these men.
      If they had, it was merely a drug deal. They know nothing
      about any drugs that may have been administered to her. But
      the mere mention of drugs scares them because they have friends that take drugs. They are scared.

      I believe that if there were, which there may have been,
      because I don’t hear anything from your daughter; they
      were the plan of the Sloot boy.

      Has your daughter drank very much before? I really don’t
      get the sense that she was necessarily drugged. In fact,
      I am sure that she wasn’t. If she was, it may have been
      at the bar.

      There are numerous bars that pimp people. I don’t know if
      you know what that is, but they will introduce you to a guy
      and get you drunk… on purpose. But, I don’t even get the
      sense of that.

      I believe that when they entered the bar, they were just a
      couple guys that were going out with Mr. Sloot, Jr., on him
      and having a good time. I believe that your daughter may
      have flirted with the brothers. They are both good looking
      and they look almost identicle. I can see her playing with
      them and acting like it’s funny that they both look so much
      alike. She is not THAT drunk … and she is having fun.
      She keeps teasing the two brothers about their looks… she
      even makes a crack about not being able to tell them apart.

      And they like it, it’s just casual ….. I think they ask
      her if she wants to get drunk with them. I don’t think that
      she has had THAT much to drink … besides, she is kinda
      interested in getting to know the two brothers. She is not
      at all interested in Mr. Sloot, Jr. She’s just having fun.

      So she leaves with them… I don’t know where her friends are, but she is comfortable and is having a good time and
      doesn’t feel the least bit scared or freightened. Even to
      me it is not scarey.

      There are not alot of people around. The streets are not
      active and it’s is beautiful. She is happy. There are
      stars over her head and she feels really happy that she
      met this boy and she feels like they are kinda like the
      guys back home. They are athletic and fun. They are nice
      guys and are very handsome. She feels like she has a lot in
      common with them.

      She could run on the beach, she is just so happy to be
      alive. And I believe they go to the beach. That is where
      Ms. Natalee gets too much to drink. She wasn’t drunk before
      but she is now. I believe that the boys may have had some
      marijuana and she liked it. They just have more fun. There
      is NOONE around, only them.

      There was no dancing in the club but there is dancing out
      here. I believe that there was dancing and tumbling and
      just plain, clean fun. But Ms. Natalee feel very dizzy and
      she just can’t take it anymore and she lays in the backseat
      of the car, with the car door open. She is stomping the
      feet with her feet and looking straight up. She is looking
      at the stars. She is just so happy. It is not cold and
      she is okay.

      Pretty soon, but not in a rush; the younger boy comes to her
      and starts teasing and they talk about the stars. They start kissing, and kissing….and kissing…..and kissing
      and soon the door shuts.

      The other brother is sorta jealous that he did not go to her. But he is not overly bothered about it. Besides, he
      is not sure that they are not just talking, so he hangs out.
      He just hangs out. He and Mr. Sloot, Jr. are talking and
      they are sitting on the beach; out of screams way of the car. To them, nothing is wrong and I don’t feel that any-
      thing is wrong.

      Break time.

    5. Patti on October 26th, 2006 12:58 am

      I keep reading your ad and it doesn’t make sense to me:

      Is it possible that Mr. Sloot, Jr. could have told him
      to make a special point of telling the police that she
      was drunk ?!?!?!?!?

      To me, she is not drunk; even now. And what time was it
      that they left the bar……?.?.?.?.

      I believe that Mr. Sloot, Jr. told him to say that….

      I am not sure that he knew, for sure, that she was drunk.

    6. YouAlreadyKnow on May 17th, 2010 1:43 am

      Aruba is a corrupt country! I took my two young daughters to Aruba on a family vacation in 2004. At that time my daughters were 14 and 15 years old. I am a single Mom and it was just me and them traveling together. The first day arriving at our hotel the phone rings. It’s some guy asking to speak to my older daughter. I ask him who he is and how he got my daughter’s name and he responds that he wants to speak to my daughter and not me. I tell him my daughter is a minor and I am her Mother and whatever he has to say to her he can tell me. He tells me he is someone that likes my daughter. I asked him how he got our room number and he told me he works at the Immigration Office and he has access to all visitor’s information, when we arrived, how long we were staying, what hotel we are staying in and the room #. I was incensed! I told him that he was invading our privacy and using his job to abuse the guests of the Island. I told him he was to never contact my daughter again or I would report him to the authorities. He laughed at me and threatened me that I should shut up because he could make it so that my documents would disapppear and if I ever wanted to go home, I better just shut up. He also told me that he was going to continue to call my daughter whether I liked it or not. I reported him to the hotel security and they basically told me Immigration had more authority than they did and took an “oh well” type of attitude. That was the worst vacation we ever had. The phone calls did stop but the threatening feeling loomed and ruined our sense of security. I would never return to Aruba.

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